A New Record with Comments from Bob Dylan
Marc’s Teaching Manual Now Available
Marc Silber Music — Dealing in second hand instruments (guitars, Hawaiian guitars, mandolins, ukuleles, banjos etc.) for the past sixty years. Making new acoustic instruments such as guitars, ukuleles, and Hawaiian guitars since 1992, now under the name Marc Silber Guitars. Marc Silber’s designs have won Acoustic Guitar magazine’s highest acclaim in the category of nylon-string guitars.

The main objective of this site is to allow visitors to see what I have for sale, but there are other things to see here as well. Visit the Listen page to hear some of my recordings. Visit the Marc’s CDs page to order CDs. Send me email (Contact Marc). See what has been written about my work by others (the About Marc page) and visit the Biography and Memories pages for some of my writings, videos, and memorobelia.
In addition to the many instruments you will find on the Inventory page, we have some made to our specifications. Photos and more information for new and second-hand instruments can be found on the Inventory pages.
Click here for a current Price List of Marc Silber Guitar Co. New Instruments.
Repairs to your instrument by Marc Silber will be considered.
Marc Silber Day Award
November 19, 2013 is declared “Marc Silber Day” by the city of Berkeley. Watch the video